Newsfeed for no-wave/party-noise/one-man-band Radio Shock

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Friday, July 10, 2009

Radio Shock in blogs, on amazon, and No-Core in person

****** "press" ******

Synchronicity. 2 blogs simultaneously ran features on RADIO SHOCK. The
End of Irony published an interesting interview here:

and UltraMegaSound wrote a "review" of my recent show at Noise!2009.
Also very interesting:

****** in other news ******

RADIO SHOCK mp3s can now be purchased on popular consumer site AMAZON.COM

The latest album "RAGE158" and the live ep, "AT THE TANK" are
available now, and I will be adding some more otherwise unavailable
things soon. Go here:

****** No-Core in person ******

Some of you may have already known that I do a blog and podcast
wherein I tell people what's good and what they ought to be listening
to. It's called NO-CORE. The brand new (still revising the design)
website is up at

I will be representing No-Core this Saturday, July 11th, 4PM to
midnight, at the NY Eye & Ear Fest record fair! (at 92YTribeca, 200
Hudson at Canal St.) Admission to the record fair is completely free.
I'll be selling some Radio Shock stuff (of course) and also some cool
distro stuff from Malleable Records and Badmaster Records and more.

There are also some music shows that are part of the fest which cost
money but are totally worth checking out. More details:
