Newsfeed for no-wave/party-noise/one-man-band Radio Shock

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Friday, March 21, 2008

Radio Shock news now automated in several formats.

What you are seeing here is the new Radio Shock newsfeed in blog form. Now you can subscribe using your favorite newsfeeder or RSS reader. Mailing list emails will be duplicated here. If none of that makes sense to you, don't worry. The beauty of this system is you don't need to understand it. Just pick your favorite method for receiving updates and you'll get them.

Already getting emails? You're done. Want to get emails? Just put yr address in the form on this page and click the confirmation link when it comes to you. Done. Looking at this on the MySpace page? Click that "Atom" icon for lots of subscription options.

Radio Shock is always working to make things easier and more convenient for you.


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