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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Radio Shock in Miami, Hot War in NYC Feb.4th

The annual International Noise Conference is almost here, and I just finalized travel plans, so both RADIO SHOCK and the other band I'm in, HOT WAR, will be performing on Saturday, Feb.13th at that event.

This insane "conference" takes place in Miami, Florida, so anyone getting this message is probably either already going or can't make it - but there's plenty of time to make your flight reservations for 2011! Over 100 freaky noise bands play for 15 minutes each over 3 days, for free, at a place called Churchill's.

The full schedule will be posted here:


also... HOT WAR is playing a warm-up show in Manhattan, tomorrow, Thursday Feb.4th!

Alphabet Lounge
104 Ave. C (at 7th St.)

Also playing this event is the amazing and highly recommended band PARANOID CRITICAL REVOLUTION (twisty-turny no-wave/noise-rock), as well as a math-rock band and a techno group. Might be weird. The schedule looks something like this:

8pm Jay Double Okay (
9pm The 1000 Year Plan (
10pm Hot War (
11pm The Paranoid Critical Revolution (

And these times are likely to be pretty accurate. Except PCR may go on earlier. HOT WAR plays a short set.

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